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Kursdetails und Buchung

Teil 1: Quantum Shiatsu Evolution - Masterprogramm
Die Basis des Quantum Shiatsu - Theory and Practice
Lerne Quantum Shiatsu im Masterprogramm mit Gabriella Poli
“Quantum Shiatsu Evolution”
The Legacy of Pauline Sasaki
Das Vermächtnis von Pauline Sasaki
“Bringing together the Body and the Soul”
“Manifesting the Divine in the Matter”
„Den Körper und die Seele zusammenbringen“
„Das Göttliche in der Materie manifestieren“
Gabriella Poli
A Journey to discover how to access the full potential of the Human Being
Quantum Shiatsu is a style of bodywork that recognizes the different manifestations of Energy in the human body: a Shiatsu that goes beyond the 3 dimensions of the material world to open to the multidimensionality of the Human Being.
Pauline Sasaki has gone beyond the parameters of traditional Shiatsu and has created a style that aligns the physical body with spiritual vibrations, integrating them into a physical format. This allows for the qualities that characterize our spiritual reality - love, compassion, forgiveness, harmony, beauty, etc.--- to manifest in our material reality.
In Quantum Shiatsu, the old paradigm of healing that focused on «correcting what is wrong» becomes obsolete and is replaced by a new paradigm that requires «aligning our physical energy with what is right».
Good to know:
Of course, people are not obliged to attend the 4 Workshops, but they can choose what they are interested in and just attend one or two, in which case, of course, they will not have a “Master Certificate” but only a Certificate for the Workshop they have attended. Everybody is welcome.
Eine Reise, um zu entdecken, wie man das volle Potential des Menschen nutzen kann
Quantum Shiatsu ist ein Stil der Körperarbeit, der die verschiedenen Manifestationen der Energie im menschlichen Körper anerkennt: ein Shiatsu, das über die drei Dimensionen der materiellen Welt hinausgeht, um sich der Multidimensionalität des menschlichen Wesens zu öffnen.
Pauline Sasaki ist über die Parameter des traditionellen Shiatsu hinausgegangen und hat einen Stil entwickelt, der den physischen Körper mit spirituellen Schwingungen in Einklang bringt und sie in ein physisches Format integriert. Dadurch können sich die Qualitäten, die unsere spirituelle Realität charakterisieren - Liebe, Mitgefühl, Vergebung, Harmonie, Schönheit usw. - in unserer materiellen Realität manifestieren.
Im Quanten-Shiatsu wird das alte Paradigma der Heilung, das sich auf die „Korrektur des Falschen“ konzentrierte, obsolet und durch ein neues Paradigma ersetzt, das die „Ausrichtung unserer physischen Energie auf das Richtige“ erfordert.
Gut zu wissen:
Es werden 4 Module angeboten. Du kannst aussuchen, woran du interessiert bist und auch nur einen oder zwei besuchen. In diesem Fall erhälst du zwar kein „Master-Zertifikat“, aber ein Zertifikat für den Workshop, den du besucht hast.
Jeder ist willkommen.
Module 1 - 12.-14.9.2025
The basics of Quantum Shiatsu Theory and Practice – 3 days
Main topics:
- The new paradigm of health
- The role of Shiatsu, Meridians and Chakras in this new format
- The anatomy of the Body of Light
- Using meridians to expand the "subtle" aspects of the body
- Use of the Chakras on a three-dimensional and multidimensional level
- Activation of the Personal Body, Etheric Body and Astral Body
- Develop "mindset" and "modelling" as techniques
- Develop techniques for working off the body
Die Grundlagen von Quantum Shiatsu Theorie und Praxis - 3 Tage
- Das neue Paradigma der Gesundheit
- Die Rolle von Shiatsu, Meridianen und Chakren in diesem neuen Format
- Die Anatomie des Körpers des Lichts
- Die Nutzung der Meridiane zur Erweiterung der „subtilen“ Aspekte des Körpers
- Die Verwendung der Chakren auf einer dreidimensionalen und multidimensionalen Ebene
- Aktivierung des persönlichen Körpers, des Ätherkörpers und des Astralkörpers
- Entwicklung von „Mindset“ und „Modellierung“ als Techniken
- Entwicklung von Techniken für die Arbeit außerhalb des Körpers
10.00 - 18.00 Friday ans Saturday
10.00 - 17.30 Sunday
Module 2 - 2026
Sacred Geometry – 3 days
A. What is Sacred Geometry
The symbols of Sacred Geometry
- The Flower of Life
- The Fruit of Life
- The Tree of Life
- The Cube of Metatron
- The Platonic Solids
- The Torus
- The Merkaba
B. The Fibonacci Sequence
C. The Golden Ratio
D. How we use the Sacred Geometry in the Shiatsu treatments.
Module 3 – 2026
A. DNA activation - 3 days
The theory
When the Astral Body is fully expanded, its counterpart is activated: the DNA of our cells. This causes the transformation. In the work on the body, transformation is the moment when astral vibrations are incorporated and reflected into the deep cellular structure of the material body. When this happens, the expansive vibrations that define our spiritual reality can manifest in the contracted vibrations that shape the physical reality.
Some scientists, spiritual masters and experienced therapists have hypothesized that there is a higher level of awareness latent in our DNA. This higher level of awareness contains information from the Divine Matrix (blueprint). This symbolizes the Divine Intelligence that guides us to physical and spiritual perfection. Stimulating this intelligence is the basis of DNA activation.
DNA activation techniques are based on 12 DNA strands, 10 of which are latent in many people. Traditional science identifies only 2 strands associated with the genetic constitution of the physical body. The other 10 strands are very expansive in nature and differ in quality from the physical strands. As they appear as "energy strings", we call them DNA "light strands" that contain our spiritual awareness.
(from Pauline Sasaki’s DVD "The Human Potential")
The practice
Protocol for the activation of virtual DNA strands
- Determine which strands need to be activated
- Determine where they should be anchored
- Activation of virtual DNA strands
- Closing the protocol
B. Ascension Codes
Ascension codes refer to energetic patterns, vibrations or frequencies that facilitate the individual’s ascent into higher dimensions of awareness or existence.
Ascension is seen as a process of spiritual growth and expansion of consciousness, which brings a person to a higher level of awareness where he becomes more in tune with his own higher self, the Universe and cosmic energies.
The activation of these codes allows the human being to become aware of his own existential purpose and divine potential.
Module 4 – 2026/2027
Review and Conclusions - 2 days
Clarifications and in-depth studies both on the theory of Quantum Shiatsu and on its practical application.
Demonstrations and supervisions.
Sharing experiences and examining and discussing specific cases.
NB: Participants must submit a report on a series of at least 6 treatments carried out on the same person for a minimum period of 3 months.
"Das Geheimnis hinter deiner Shiatsu-Expertise!"
Unsere Selbstlernprogramme bringen dich auf das nächste Level – ideal als Ergänzung zu unseren Kursen.
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