Shiatsu Level 1 | 2 weekends

Kursdatum07. Jun. 2024 - 09. Jun. 2024 und 21. Jun. 2024 - 23. Jun. 2024
Uhrzeit18:00 bis 18:00 Uhr
KursleitungAleksandra Hoffmann
KursortESI Berlin
Preis bis 03. Mai. 2024: EUR 480,– Preis Einzelbuchende
(danach EUR 520,– Preis Einzelbuchende I **Reduzierte Preise für Teilnehmende Zertifikatsausbildung. Bitte melden unter:**)
EUR 280,– für Wiederholer (ESI)

Level 1 | Shiatsu Foundation course in Deutsch/ English

Shiatsu Level 1 | Shiatsu Foundation course in Deutsch/ English

Touch, encounter, presence.

Shiatsu is all about perception and touch. Thanks to our awareness, we learn to trust our senses, the body and our perception.

One of the integral parts of Level 1 training is to work on our own posture. So that we can be comfortable and relaxed while treating. Shiatsu is diverse and fascinating: it’s basis is the "open leaning“, that we use in our touch.

Level 1 course includes:

- introduction of the 12 meridians and their treatment positions

- introduction to the "art of leaning" with relaxed hands on the clothed body

- important treatment positions and transitions

- advice on posture and movement

- introduction to and use of special energy points for self-treatment

- theoretical basics and principles of Shiatsu

We start the day with soothing exercises for body and mind. During the course you will experience shiatsu treatment sequences on your own body, as well as offer it to others. Shiatsu is done on the clothed body, either on the futon on the floor or on the table.

Part of the training is to get in touch with your own center. We will encourage you to feel your center and move from it. This is very helpful in perceiving Ki movements and adjusting your touch.

At the end of Level 1 you will be able to give a whole body treatment. This course will give your the skills to give a safe and rewarding Shiatsu treatment to your family and friends. 

You will also learn the theoretical and practical basics of Shiatsu. Level 1 is the foundation for your further Shiatsu training. With time our sensations and our perception becomes finer. This opens further access to ourselves, to others and to the world.

Recommendations: after completing Level 1 course, you can book additional 12 practice hours at ESI to deepen what you have learnt.

Course times: 2 weekends: Friday 6:00 PM - 9:30 PM, Saturday & Sunday 10 AM - 6 PM with lunch break.

Notes: Levels 1-5 are creditable as practice hours with 4 hours per day at the repeater price.

Europäisches Shiatsu Institut (ESI) Berlin

Unsere Shiatsu Ausbildungen entsprechen den Ausbildungsstandards des ESI Europa und sind anerkennungsfähig bei der DGAM (Deutsche Gesellschaft alternative Medizin) und der GSD e.V. (Gesellschaft Shiatsu). Wir sind Siegelträger des FWW für Qualität, Transparenz und Integrität und Mitglied im GABAL, um Persönlichkeitsentwicklung im Shiatsu zu fördern.
Bizetstr. 41, 13088 Berlin, 4. OG
Telefon:   +49 163 6816938  
Öffnungszeiten: oft erreichbar täglich von 10-16 Uhr  
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